Crashes & Taxes
November 3, 2022 | 1hr6min
From Top Dog to Fighting for Scraps: America’s Painful New Chapter
As Western Central bankers focus on moving us towards The Great Reset, the East is doing the exact opposite – precipitating what will be the most significant global financial realignment in history. At this point, the end of dollar hegemony is a foregone conclusion, and America’s about to go from top dog to fighting for scraps. This new system is going to be painful and even though the writing’s been on the wall for a while, very few are prepared for what’s coming. Where does the current state of the global economy leave us? Why is the looming change going to put a lot of hurt on America? In this episode, I share a broad overview of all the pieces lining up for a huge change and why America’s most difficult times are dead ahead of us.