Crashes & Taxes
September 2, 2022 | 1hour2min
Infiltration & Globalization: The Secret Mission to Manipulate Young, Impressionable Minds
The World Economic Forum’s globalization mission has already started to permeate the media and other aspects of our lives, but what’s really alarming is how it’s also infiltrating our children’s minds. Under the guise of innocuous educational materials, we’re seeing an attempt to manipulate the psychology of children and make them malleable to globalization. It’s one thing to be a global citizen, but trying to erase individual national identity and culture is a whole other thing, especially when it’s fed to young minds. The end of national sovereignty is the end of freedom, and with what’s happening economically, it’s the last thing we need to worry about right now. In this episode, I’m going to share an update on the Fed and take you through one of the most concerning school surveys I’ve ever seen.